Ice Diver
Course Price: $600
Ice diving is one of the most extreme forms of diving, and one of the most unique. Swimming under a thick layer of ice, watching your bubbles pool under the ice is an experience like no other. As well as it being a neat experience, the cold creates new challenges to overcome and learn from.
Before the Course Begins
Class Session
Lake Dives
Complete Registration
Come into shop to pick up learning material
Complete learning material before first class session
Class starts at 7:00 PM
Review learning materials
Discuss curriculum
Arrange rentals
Plan sites
Two days of diving
Two first day, one the second
Learn to use safety divers and lines
Usually in conjunction with a trip
Students are responsible for their own transportation, but we recommend to plan carpooling

The Ocean Pro Difference
100% AWARE
We are partnered with Project AWARE, a global non-profit organization that is Protecting Our Ocean Planet - One Dive at a Time. They are focused on the critical issues of Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris, and we're supporting

them by donating $10 for every student we certify.
Basic Gear Package Included
Many shops believe that you must own your own gear before taking Specialty courses. While we agree it is a good idea, we know gear is expensive! That is why we include a basic rental gear package with the course. The gear package includes a BCD, regulators, tanks, weights, drysuit, hood and boots.
Low Ratios
We keep our student to instructional staff ratios low to ensure you can progress a pace that is comfortable for you. We keep our numbers to a max of four students to one instructor or less.
You need to have completed your Advanced Diver certification to enroll in this program.
PADI courses are progressive and build on your previous dive experience. For all of our PADI courses, we require that you have recent experience to enroll.

More Resources
Your Next Adventure
If you enjoy the extra planning and challenges Ice Diving presents, you may be interested in Tech Diving, which also requires a higher degree of planning and skill.